Making a “better” choice with PB&J

dinnerboysThe boys love some “p.b.&j”.  We try to get them to eat whatever we eat and that works sometimes and sometimes we just make them their own dinner.  And pb&j is of course one of their favorites.  So here is what we do to make it a “better” choice. (Remember, no matter where you are, you can always make a “better” choice when it comes to nutrition.)  We use Nature’s Own “whole grain” bread, Jiff “all natural” peanut butter, and an “all fruit” spread.  Then we add some whole fruit to the mix as you can see in the pic.  Again this may not be the healthiest option but it is a “better” option.  See with Nutrition it is in no way about being perfect, but always about being in control.  And one thing that is very simple that helps you to “stay in control” is to focus on making “better options.”  If you go to a fast food restaurant that of course is not the “best” option, but if you go thenjust make the “better” choices such as: No bread, No colas or other sweetened (naturally or artificially sweetened) drinks.  You can have just the meat off a sandwich and a fruit cup, etc.  And know that as you choose to gain control in the area of Nutrition and you focus on continually making those ‘better” choices, and even sometimes the “best” choices, your effort will pay off.  IT ALL ADDS UP!  You Control Food and ABSOLUTELY DONT ALLOW FOOD TO CONTROL YOU!


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