#1 Reason for Success or Failure

behrBEHR!!  Now that was some more dog right there.  I was looking thru my pics and saw my man Behr and just had to share him with you, again.  That was my buddy, and my first son before I had my first “human” son.  Anyway, he was a good buddy and a great dog.  ANd I expect he is up in heaven right now having a big ole time and will greet me when I get there!!  Good stuff.

I was reading the Word today where Jesus was telling the people that (in k.j.’s words) ” I am the bread of life and if you want this life that God has for you you are going to have to eat of my flesh and drink of my blood.”  Now of course that was some serious stuff right there and many of his “followers” literally packed up their stuff and left Him after that.  They couldnt handle that “strong” of a Word.  It was too controversial and I guess it really challenged them and their true belief in Him. 

This is kind of like when we get challenged with what we say “we believe.”  This can be in any area of life, and in my experience it will happen when we set out to see great results in our lives: We will be seriously challenged.  So we have to settle in our hearts just exactly what we believe and what we are expecting.  If you dont SETTLE THAT UPFRONT then you are very likely to fail when the challenges comes.  See, your Faith is one of the most important factors when it comes to your health and life success.  If your faith, EXPECTATION, is not sure then you can be moved by external circumstances such as: not seeing changes quick enough; what others say; what you “feel” life; past experiences of failure remembered; etc.  See those disciples that did CHOOSE TO STAY with Jesus had already decided in their heart that He was who He said He was and they would not be moved no matter what.  Now realize that I am sure that they never saw this coming.  I mean they couldnt have known at any point that He was going to say that “hard of a saying” that would really bring controversy, etc.  But they had such a strong CONVICTION in their heart to follow Him, also knowing the rewards of following Him, that they were not going to back off at no time. 

This is the Faith and Conviction we have to have in our hearts when we set out to accomplish our goals.  Now I know myself that I have not always done this and that is why I have seen failure in my life.  Of course that is not the only reason but it has been the reason: Lack of faith that it was going to work.  So I encourage you, and myself, to establish our faith in our plans to succeed in our health and life goals.  ANd remember the faith is not in “the plan”, but in who we are In Christ and the Truth that thru Him we literally have been empowered to “prosper and be in health” in this life!! Yeh Baby!!


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