It reads: Faith Can Not Be Stopped!

pulluprigCheck out our new Pull-up rig we just recently got in here at God-Built.  I have wanted one of these for a long time now and blessed blessed to have it.  This just gives us the ability to have more people do different exercises such as pull-ups, different versions of leg raises,  ring dips, etc.  Great piece of equipment for us here at GB!!  Thank you Lord!

I have a hand written Note on my wall over my desk.  It reads: FAITH CAN NOT BE STOPPED!  Wow what a True Statement.  Faith can not be stopped!  I thought of this because an issue just came up that seems, looks, impossible.  As I was considering this issue, I was led to just simply look up and there it was: FAITH CAN NOT BE STOPPED.  Man that is good.  Remember that truth: FAITH CAN NOT BE STOPPED.  With any issue in your life that you are dealing with, remember you can not be stopped if you will stay in Faith.  We dont understand everything and how everything works, but we do know thru JESUS we have been given “the measure” of Faith.  And we can stand and should stand in Faith no matter what things seem or look like.  Many times people have not accomplished that thing they set out to simply because they gave up at the last minute.  Me and you, we are going to keep on keeping on!  We will never ever give up.  And remember, we all have had “weak” moments before, and we got into fear and may have for that moment “given up.”  That being said though, we can instantly grab ourselves by the seat of the pants, get ourselves Stirred up by His Word, and get right back in total Faith.  And that is a huge key.  Dont stay in the past even if the past is what just happened 1 second ago.  Choose to quickly get back going in the right direction.  Choose to get back into FAITH, agreeing with what HE Says!!


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