Easy Adjustment for Lunch and Dinner meals. Big Return.

dinner4Here is a pic of a good example for a nutritious, health and bodyfat loss promoting Dinner meal.  Basically you are looking at 2 small red meat (deer) burgers, turnip greens, and a vegetable medley mix (squash, zucchini, onions, peppers, and mushrooms).  And of course add the good ole true “spring” water. 

This is real simple for anyone, and it provides a great “guide” to follow for most of your meals: Natural meat + 2-3 servings of vegetables.  If you want to improve your health, your bodyfat, and your performance, then this can definitely help.  This type of guide does several things that boost health: restricts grains, restricts sugars, provides great source of protein and fat, provides great source of nutrient dense carbs.  I agree that improveing your nutrition can be difficult at some times, but many times we just make it much harder than what it is.  So I want you to try following this guide for your lunch and dinner meals for a couple of weeks.  And again it is simple.  Limit your grains (breads, pastas, rices, cereals) and potatoes.  Include all natural meats.  Add in 2+ servings of whole vegetables.  Then add in 1-2 serving fruit per day with a small handful of nuts / seeds for 1 – 2 snacks per day.

For Breakfast you can either keep it as usual, or you can make it more nutritious too.  The main thing is to just do this simple adjustment for your lunch and dinner meals first.  Again it is very simple, pretty easy to do, and very beneficial.  Try it.  Well heck, JUST DO IT! 


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