He was Cut Up!! Check out his diet.

chickenstewI was visiting my mom last week and my aunt came over and cooked what you see in the pic here: Stew w/ chicken, cabbage, bell peppers, onions, carrots, and good ole cornbread.  That stew was delicious and as she described it very easy to make.  Of course the cornbread is not something you would want to have much of and not very often, but it was good.  ANd no, that wasnt my plate, I only ate a couple pieces.  Well, I might have eaten 3!!  ANyway, that chicken stew is a good delicious and nutritious meal for you. 

On the subject of nutritious meals, I have a good friend who I have worked out with several times now over the past few weeks.  I noticed that his PERFORMANCE was better and of course he was “cut up” as some would say referring to his low body fat and muscle tone.  Yeh thats right, you are looking good rj.  Anyway, he had told me that he and his wife had changed their eating habits since the first of the year for the better.  Now they already ate pretty good, but they decided to do even better.  When I asked him about his improved performance he said he didnt believe it had as much to do with any “workout” changes, but mostly to do with his Nutrition!  He and his wife have been following a “Paleo” diet or Nutrition Plan.  They have done very well with it.  I personally cant say that I fully Endorse the “paleo” diet, but I do like the basics of it as it to a large extent goes right along with our Nutrition beliefs and recommendations here at God-Built.  And the only reason I say I dont necessarily fully Endorse it is because I am not fully educated on it.  Anyway to learn more about it would benefit you possibly, and it has definitely helped them.  Check out rj’s testimony here and see for yourself and do your own research if it peaks your interest:

Hey KJ, sorry took me so long but here’s update on the Paleo diet … you know Ginna & I have been eating this way since January & short answer is we both feel better than we ever have in our life. 

The research out there on food allergies, food quality, and inflammation is exactly what you’ve been telling me for over 10 years. Cut out or at least cut down on grains & dairy = less inflammation, less allergy symptoms, easier digestion, etc .. & leads to better sleep, more energy, more focus, better overall health -not to mention leaner too. 

A few specific benefits for me have been my chronic sinus pressure, headaches, & infections have disappeared (even through pollen season), less sinus inflammation eliminated snoring, & I had to buy new pants!

 After a few weeks of eating right or what started off as a “strict diet”, when I did get the wrong fuel it was definitely noticeable & made me realize that maybe this should be a lifestyle change.

The key for us is planning meals, so here are a few helpful websites to check out:


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