Nutrition- somewhere from 60%-90% of the PIE

dinner9Man this dinner right here was ummmm good last night!  That is pork roast that LeAnne cooked in her new fancy smancy stoneware pot, and a “salad” she made with greens, peppers, black beans, cucumbers and pineapple.  It was some good stuff.  Eatin good, feelin good!!

You know, the more I walk, coach, teach, and learn in this “Health” thing, the more I realize it is true that your NUTRITION, what you eat, is so very very important for better health and performance. 

As you know, here at God-Built we believe that nutrition and exercise are key for great health, but they are not the most important components.  Those “most important” components we believe are the condition of your heart/spirit, staying out of condemnation, choosing to renew your mind, and choosing to speak the right things.  These are truly the most important aspects of a great health and life plan.  All this being said, you still cant leave out Exercise and Nutrition, if you want to truly walk out HIS BEST for your health.  so when it comes down to just those 2, Nutrition is going to be more important than exercise.  Lets say you had a “pie chart” to show the value of each as far as importance.  There of course is a lot of differing opinions, but for the most part the “experts” put Nutrition in the 60% – 90% range.  Some even on the low end, Nutrition will make up the majority of that “pie” as far as importance in improving health. 

My point with all this is that NUTRITION is so important if you want to improve your health.  ANd yes I know you here me say that a lot, and I am sure you hear it and read it from a lot of other sources, and it is so true.  Remember though, it is not the most important part.  You can get your nutrition under great control as far as your actions, but if you “heart” condition is not good, and your thoughts and words are the exact opposite of what you “Want” in your health, then all your effort with the Nutrition is not going to be as effective.   

Simply as far as Nutrition, do something positive everyday.  Even if it is one thing, still it is one thing positive.  Expect to take control of the food you eat.  Expect to take control of your flesh, your body, your health and your life.  You can because He says you can!




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