Take those thoughts and put them up against HIM!!

boysbigjdThought you mite like to see this pic again.  This is me and the boys, my brother and his little boy all hanging out on the big John Deere.  Good stuff right there!

I was working with 5 young men this morning for Football Sports Performance.  3 of them are going into their freshman year for college football and 2 of them are playing football in high school.  As we always do, I was spending time with them at the end of our workout talking about the responsibility they had to literally “control” and “renew” their mind.  I was telling them how 2 of the biggest things that have helped, and are still helping, me in learning how to walk out His Best are: 1. understanding that Jesus as a man on this earth went through and experienced every temptation and adverse thing I have and will experience.  ANd he was able to overcome all of it without sin and gives me the perfect example of how I too can overcome it in every case; 2. Every thought that I have is not “my thought”, but i have a choice in what I do with that thought.  NOw yes I know you probably already know these 2 things, but dont discount the importance of reminding yourself of these.

As i was telling them, according to the Word when we are born again by recieving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our spirit, the “true” us, is totally RECREATED, made NEW!!  That is great news!  The thing we have to realize though is that our MIND is not renewed at that point.  That is totally up to us.  Now God has given us the power to renew and take control of the mind will and emotions, but it is up to us to use that power and take control every day.  And much of this comes simply thru our Thought Lives, the things we allow or dont allow ourselves to think on.  So remember that you do have a choice what you think on.  You cant control every thought that comes in your Mind, but you can choose to control what you do with that thought.  If you dont believe so then read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.  And remember if the Word instructs us to do something then that 100% means that we already have the power inside of us to do it.  Then it is just up to us. 

Just like I was telling these young men this morning, if you want to excel in any and every area of your life, you are going to have to take control and keep control of your thought life.  Know that you have not and will not experience anything that HE didnt already experience and overcome for you.  Know that He has already empowered you thru the death, burial, and resurrection to win in every area of your life.  Know that He has empowered you to control your mind will and emotions.  Know that He has empowered you to literally TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE AND PUT IT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.  Basically if thoughts you are having are negative and self defeating then that is totally opposite of what HIS Word says about you.  So you literally get rid of those thoughts and you put them to the obedience of Christ by replacing them with HIS Thoughts and what He says you ARE IN HIM!!


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