KJ’s diet since coming home from vacation.

jpziplineCheck out Joshua Paul on the zip line in Cancun.  He liked it so much we had to go back early in the morning the day we left so he could get one last ride in!!  Zippin baby!

I wanted to share with you what my Diet or Daily nutrition looks like.  Before we went to the beach I cut way back on grains, dairy, and sugar.  Now as I have mentioned before I always keep my “grain” intake pretty low anyway, but I cut it back to where the only “grains” I was taking in for about 10+ days was from the Clif bar with my Shake in the mornings.  With the dairy, I always use “whole, organic”.  I believe that Whole and Organic and or Raw Dairy can be very good for you, but my experience is that I can cut body fat faster when I cut it out.  I just have to be careful when cutting out all grains and Dairy to make sure and add in more “good” calories from other sources so I dont lose muscle.  

Now that I am back from the beach my Diet looks like this:

Meal1 – Shake = 30-40 grams whey protein, 1 raw egg, 1 serv frozen strawberries.  1 clif bar (regular, mojo, or builder)

Meal 2– 25-35 grams whey protein mixed with cold water  or  1 Nutrit. Bar (Clif mojo, builder, reglar Clif, or *KIND bar) 

Meal 3– 1-2 serv meat (turkey, beef roast, steak, or chicken),  1-2 serv vegetables (squash, cucumbers), and or 2 serv fruit (blueberries, blackberries (fresh local), and or strawberries).  Somedays I will add a Nutrit Bar if still hungry.

Meal 4– usually after workout, 40-50 grams whey protein mixed w cold water

Meal 5– very similar to Lunch, Meal 3

Meal 6– 1 serv fish, 1 serv vegetable or fruit, and or 1 handful nut seed mix

Water – of course I am drinking water throughout the day which is key and essential.

This is pretty much what I have been eating.  It is not that much different than how I normally eat.  I sometimes go on a kick for 1+ month where at NIGHT I am eating some type of “all natural” whole grain cereal, + nut n seed mix, + whole organic milk.  Since I cut this out a couple of weeks before our trip I havent really wanted it.  I have taken in more grains this week than normal on 1 or 2 occasions but really not much.  And I also have had milk maybe 1 or 2 times.  For the most part though my diet looks like the above plan and I feel pretty good with it.  Now of course I am sure I can do much better, but I am pretty good with this for now.  I hope this helps you and maybe you can use this to see some simple and easy changes you can make to improve your health.  Yeh Baby!


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