How to forever live with Peace: a guarded heart and mind for health and life success

beachboysMy 2 little men posing on the beach from last summer!  Sweet brothers right there.  Of course sometimes they are beating on each other, but when it is all said and done, they really do love each other a whole bunch!!

I just wanted to remind you, and me, of something.  Many times in order for God’s best to operate and “flow” in our lives, we have a part to play.  Basically in a way it is conditional.  Now make sure and dont get me wrong here.  His Love and His Covenant Blessing for us is in no way conditional.  It is there for us no matter what we do or dont do, but if we dont choose to “recieve it” as ours then we will not experience it in our lives.  Just like the scripture in Philippians 4:6-7.  It tells us about how His awesome love and PEACE overcomes us and literally guards our heart and our mind.  We all want this in our lives and really “need” it, that is His Peace.  What this scripture is showing us is that we can live in peace, and to be in Peace and have our heart and mind guarded means we are not in worry, doubt, and or fear.  *(of course all these can be summed up by the one word- fear) Many people read this part and dont realize that even though yes this peace is already in us thru HIM, Jesus Christ, we will not truly experience it with any consistency unless we do “our part”.  Our part is found in verse 6: “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God”.  Now no matter what we do or dont do, His peace is already in us and available for us to walk in.  We do have a choice though whether or not we recieve that peace.  And again the scripture gives us a clear picture of simply what we are to do when we are in stress, worry, and Fear.  We CHOOSE to not be in fear.  We Choose not to worry and or doubt.  We choose not to Stress.  We choose to go to him in prayer and “thank Him” for taking that fear from us and for giving us His Promise of His Peace that passes all understanding and that guards our heart and mind. 

Now realize that this “stress freedom” and living in His Peace is always available for us, thru HIM.  I sure dont have it perfected yet, but I do believe that me and you do not have to ever fear or worry or stress.  It does not mean we will not have stressful and or fearful thoughts come.  What it does mean though is that when they do come we have the POWER already inside us to get rid of it and trust God that He handles it and that “HE ALWAYS CAUSES US TO TRIUMPH.”  ANd remember this applies to any and every area of our lives.  And little or seemingly “big” thing we think we just “have to worry about”, we dont!!  YEH BABY!!


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