Great Info on GRAINS. Must Read to understand more!

dadnboyspileupHere is what you do in a hotel room in Cleveland with 2 little boys: Wrestle on the bed! The Johnson’s went to Cleveland this weekend.  It was fun to be had by all.  Well, it wasnt all fun and games, but it all turned out great.  More on that story for another post!  We saw the Indians baseball game, went to the Science museum, and met friends.  Good stuff!

I have the great opportunity to be interviewed on a radio show saturday night August 10.  A lady named Hope Egan studies and teaches on Biblical Eating and found God-Built through an online search for Biblical based health / fitness.  Wow!  Anyway I am looking forward to this interview and I will get you all the info so if you want to listen in you can! 

One of the many things Hope teaches specifically on concerning “Biblical eating” is the “truth” about grains.  She recently had an interview with Sue Becker about grains and particularly wheat.  I have listened to about half of the interview so far and it is great.  It is very informative and factual.  Now yes she may have her own “opinions” that you may or may not agree with, but she also has “Facts” that are great for all of us to hear.  I am excited to listen to the rest of the interview later today. 

Most of the facts, if not all, are facts that you may have heard from us, God-Built.  And if you heard any true “facts” from us on grains it was only because of Melanie Skinner with Whole Grains and More.  She is our “local resource” for true info on “grains”.  She has been “preaching” and “teaching” these facts for years now.  She of course also makes whole grain foods from scratch and TEACHES INDIVIDUALS HOW TO DO THE SAME at Home.   I am not sure if Melanie and the lady Hope interviewed, Sue Becker, agree on everything concerning grains, but as I said, much of what I heard in the interview I have already heard many times over by Melanie!

One of the very “awakening” things that has happened thru all this for me is that Hope has been keeping up with our GB posts recently.  From that she concluded that our belief here at God-Built is basically that “all grains are bad.”  Wow!  That is not our stance at all, and it was very good for me, for God-Built, that Hope pointed this out to me.  If she got that assumption, then many others may have also.  It made me realize that even though I feel like people get tired of hearing me repeat our GB fundamental beliefs concerning any health and life topic, it is important to repeat that belief for that specific topic so that any “new comers” can have a better understanding of who we are and where we are coming from.  So I will do a better job at handling this. 

ON this topic of grains let me lay out for you simply, and very generally, as I can what our beliefs are:

God made grains for human consumption.  We can see this from very early in the Bible with specific reference to grains used to make breads.  

We do not believe that we were not made to digest grains because we were originally “hunter gatherers” as people have coined the term.  Yes I believe we were hunter gatherers, but also farmers from the beginning.  

 I do know that most people eat the wrong Quality of grains, and way too much Quantity.  As Melanie has been telling us for years, and the interview backs up, any Commercial “grains” are not true “whole grains” even if they say so.  If you want true “whole grains” you are going to have to buy from a source like Melanie’s Whole Grains and More or you are going to have to learn how to make it at home on your own.  And you should learn from Melanie!  Knowing all this we recommend that people cut way back on their Quantity of grains, and work on improving the Quality.  **Cutting back on the “quantity” has much to do with the fact that it is poor quality that is being consumed, but also just the truth that most people’s grain consumption is at least 2 times what it should be even if they were eating “true whole grains”. 

Commercial Grains are very likely to cause INFLAMMATION problems in people.  It most likely happens in all cases, it is just that some people’s body can handle it better than others.  And because of poor eating and commercial grain consumption, some people may not even be able to eat true whole grains any more.  this is probably not the case for most though.

 All in all, we believe that grains in their “God intended” state can be very healthy for you.  The simple fact is that most do not eat “true” whole grains, and their grain consumption is way too high.  And like Hope reminded me, even though we realize that many people do not and are not going to actually purchase ‘true whole grains” from a trusted source and or make their own, it does not mean we should stop telling people the “truth” about Grains: The are God intended; They can be very healthy when consumed in the right form and quantity. 

We are definitely no authority on this subject.  So I am going to give you again the 3 resources I mentioned above.  Remember Melanie is our local go to source here in the Carrollton area.  Hope, I have just been introduced to and grown to really appreciate as another source for Biblical eating “teaching”.  ANd Sue Becker I really know very little about other than what I heard from her interview.  From that interview though, she seems very knowledgeable.  If you want any more info from these sources you can search them online: Hope Egan, Sue Becker.  Of course you can contact Melanie Skinner, Whole Grains and More at 770-832-0296


3 responses to “Great Info on GRAINS. Must Read to understand more!”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing and being such a positive influence to in our community! We love you and your precious family!

    • and thank you for that Melanie. You too are a huge resource for this whole area. and as i said in the post, you have been consistent with this truth message on grains for years now. and I appreciate you for that. kj

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