WATER. The Importance. The recommended Sources.

boyscampHere is a favorite pic of mine with the boys camping out.  Me and the boys love a camp fire and “camping out.” 

Kendra, one of our awesome great amazing Trainers here at God-Built, sent this info out the other day that she got from a resource concerning water.  And like she said, I too will say that I know you already know to some extent that WATER is very important for your Health.  Realize though that you and me both need to be reminded of this so we are stimulated to “act on it”.  Read On:

You’ve heard – “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” but did you know that there are significant health benefits from drinking water in the morning? Check out our list of the Top 5 reasons to replace your morning beverage with H2O:

 #5. Balances Your Lymph System – These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids, and fight infection.

 #4. Boosts Your Metabolism – Drinking at least 16 ounces of chilled water can boost your metabolism by 24% in the morning.

#3. Increases Nutrient Absorption – Drinking water on an empty stomach purifies the colon making it easier to absorb nutrients.

 #2. Glowing Skin – Water helps to purge toxins from the blood, which keeps your skin glowing and clear.

 #1. Increases Cell Production – Drinking water increases the production of new blood and muscle cells.

Realize that YOUR BODY is literally almost 3/4 water, approx. 70+%, according to most experts.  So it is very important to drink plenty of “PURE” Water!!  Here is a brief layout of the type water we recommend:

#1 – Pure Spring water from a Pure Source.  This has to be up to the individual to trust the “source” that the water comes from and the bottling process.  Also the “PH” level should be anywhere from 7.0-7.4.  Some advocate more “alkaline” water up above these levels, but I am not sure about that.  That would require more research on your end to know if drinking higher “alkaline” level water is good long term.  Most companies will give you their “ph” level if you call them.  Again this is something you will have to build trust on your own as to the actual quality of the water.  My personal experience and research is locally here in Carrollton and the surrounding areas, CALLAWAY  BLUE is a trusted pure source of ‘spring water.  You can find it in stores, and we use Superior Mountain Water as a source for home delivery for Callaway water. 

#2 – Distilled Water – this is a “second best” option only if you cant find a “Pure Spring Water” source you can trust.  Many dont like the “distilled” water because it has been “distilled”, but I do believe it is much better than “tap” water.


2 responses to “WATER. The Importance. The recommended Sources.”

  1. Thanks Kevin! I’ve read similar articles, and I drink at least 16 oz. of water each morning before breakfast and try to drink water throughout the day! I hope it helps! Love to you and yours!
    Aunt Marcia

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