Being Child Like can pay off Big!!

dbgymringsCheck out David Ben on the “rings” working out.  Both the boys love swinging and playing on our gymnastics rings.  It is funny how we as adults are always using movements and equipment to try and “exercise” and younguns are simply using movements and equipment to have FUN!  And of course because of their “mindset” they get to have Fun while getting great Exercise benefits too.  Very interesting!!  May be something there for us to learn.  You think so?!

Here are some tips for you to start this week off on a great note and to MAKE THIS WEEK A GREAT WEEK!:

Be CHILD LIKE – Take it one day at a time and Find a way to Enjoy the Day, doing your best not worrying about tomorrow!

Make 1-2 Small NUTRITIONAL changes – Dont get consumed with trying to do too much at one time.  Do 1 – 2 positive things that you already know you should and can easily do such as: Drink water only, cut back on processed grains, Take your lunch instead of eating out, etc

Exercise for 3-5 minutes – Remember 3,4,5 minutes of exercise is great and can be very effective.  Just find a way to move. 

EXPECT – Expect that these simple and Easy changes will make Positive Improvements in your health and life.  To Expect is true Faith!!  ANd Faith is what is going to help you to stay consistent and KEEP GOING no matter what!!


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