How to get your Needs and Wants met!

boysjuly42013Thought this pic of the boys was a good one to send you off on your Weekend!! 

Have a GREAT WEEKEND!  I do expect that you will.  And you know why me and you can?  Well it is all because of HIS Goodness, His Love for you and me!  He LOVES us sooooo much and HE only wants HIS BEST for you and me! 

Speaking of HIS Goodness and Love, I had a need that came up today.  I just basically spoke to HIm and said “Lord thank you that you always have, do, and will provide for me.”  Then literally about 2 hours later someone walked in my door and handed me the very thing that is helping right now to meet that need I had!!  Isnt HE soooooo Good!!!  Yes He is.  He always has been, He always is, and He always will be so Good!  He is not only our Good Father who meets our needs, but also the ONE who meets our desires that HE has already put inside us.  He literally takes “good pleasure” in meeting those needs and wants.  Even those things that may seem silly to you, as a Good Daddy He wants you to open up the door for Him to be able to work in your life and be able to bring it to you!  The way you literally “open up the door” for HIM is to simply BELIEVE!!


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