Simple Formula for Better Health. Great Results to Follow!

wout1Working out with some Overhead Squats!!  Good looking group from Wednesdays’s Lunch workout here at GOD-BUILT!

GREAT FORMULA for Health Improvement for YOU:

Strive 1st and Foremost to understand more and more that God’s Love for you is real, is totally FREE to you, and will never change no matter what you do or dont do.  Realizing HIS true, total, and unconditional LOVE for you is the 1 Factor that unleashes the POWER inside you like nothing else can!!  It is the ONE thing that will cause you to live FEARLESSLY and UNCondemned.  NO FEAR.  NO CONDEMNATION.  These are keys for you to walk out HIS BEST for your health and life.

BE THANKFUL – Yeh I know you see this a lot, but it is extremely important.  You ever wondered why people who are always Thankful, positive, and looking for the best seem to have “good things” always going on?  Hmmm….. And people that are always complaining and negative always seem to have bad stuff going on.  Hmmm!  Yes we all do and or at least should realize that no matter how “positive” and or “thankful” you are, adversity comes to all.  But… Be Positive.  Be Thankful.  Expect His Best, and only because you know He Loves You!

EAT GOOD, more than you dont Eat Good – This is so simple.  You already pretty much know what you need to do with your Eating habits such that you truly dont have to learn anything new.  If you just apply what you already know you should be doing, you can change your health drastically.  One simple and ‘NON – Law” way to look at this is simply to Eat “good” and if you choose to Eat “not so good” just make sure on a daily and weekly basis you consciously make the adjustment and EAT GOOD more times than you dont.  Very easy, yet very Effective.  *And realize that the more you do this, the less you will want to “eat bad”.

EXERCISE a Little – Yes it will be great if you Exercise “a lot”, but just like the Nutrition part of this, dont get overwhelmed.  All it literally takes is Moving / EXERCISING for 5+ minutes a day for 4-5 days per week.  It really works, especially if you are doing Good on the Nutrition.  *Please remember that while it is oh so true that Exercising without Good Nutrition renders very limited BODYFAT Loss and or Weight Loss for most adults, it still renders other great health benefits.  And of course for best results put the 2 together for Exponential results!

NEVER EVER GIVE UP – Always Expect to Win.  Always Expect to reach your goals, no matter how many times you may have failed in the past.  The past is, well, the past!  Let it go.  Get up and Get to going.  And remember to Never Ever Stop EXPECTING!  NEVER EVER GIVE UP on the Truth that you were literally Made by God Himself to Conquer and Win in your health and life!



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