What you already have is more than Enuff!!

backyardcamp5You may have seen this pic before as it is one of my favorites.  Me with One of my best buddies and an old Coleman lantern that another one of my other best buddies gave me!  Good stuff.

I was thinking about you today and what was the best thing to share with you today.  Here it is:

YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.  You can I know simply because The Word says so.  The Bible is clear that His power to overcome in any and every situation you face is actually already INSIDE YOU!  You may not “see” it right now, and you may not “feel” it right now, but that does not change the TRUTH that it absolutely is inside of you right now at this very moment.  You can not do anything to change that fact.  What you believe though will determine whether or not you see the Power effectively working in your health and life. 

So think about that scripture, The Word of God that tells you specifically that you CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU HIM, JESUS THE SON OF GOD.  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and well inside of you.  That same Spirit is full of everlasting Life, Power, and Love.  It is every bit of and everything you need already inside of you just waiting to come out and produce LIFE in His fullness in you, through you, and all around you!!  The more LIFE you allow to come thru you, not only do you experience more and more of His Best for you, but also those around you are Blessed because of it!


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