The Truth for you. The Truth has Empowered YOU!!

campfirenchairMan it is hard to beat a good CAMPFIRE.  And I will be getting in some good ole CAMPFIRE time this weekend!  Yeh baby!

You know what: Just cause HE is so in love with you and is so Excited about you and your future, the One He already Has planned out for you, you can and you will Excel in your Health and Life. 

It is all because HE loves you so much, and He chose to Live inside of you sooooo BIG!!  So remember that, remind yourself of it, think about it, Speak about it, and Know it on the inside.  You can and You will just cause He Loves you so much!!

You are More than an Overcomer because of HIM and His awesome and never ending Love for you.  He died and suffered a miserable death, but then He rose again on the 3rd day just for you.  Believe it.  He did.  And because He did that just for you, you are MADE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!!!


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