Chocolate! Get some!!

dbgymringsCheck out DB in action playing / working out on the gymnastics rings here at GOD-BUILT.  He and Joshua Paul love playing up here with all our stuff, and it is amazing to see how they just “invent” movements and while they are having so much fun, they are actually getting a great workout in too!  Guess we should all take a note from this!

Check out this info on DARK CHOCOLATE from BioTrust Nutrition:

“You may have heard about the fat-burning benefits associated with dark chocolate due to it’s theobromine content.  Theobromine, a bitter alkaloid found naturally in dark chocolate, has been shown to suppress appetite and mobilize fatty acids to be burned as energy (without the stimulatory side effects of caffeine).

That said, what you may not know or realize is that dark chocolate can also boost your brain health as well!  It’s true, as dark chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which help to fight against oxidative stress that deteriorates brain tissue over time.

In fact, in a recent Harvard Medical School study, researchers found that consuming antioxidant-rich dark chocolate daily was actually able to significantly reverse cognitive decline in seniors age 60+.

For best results, we recommend 1 – 2 squares of dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cacoa (where the flavonoids are found) daily.  It’s also important to note that milk chocolate contains very few anti-oxidants, so if you’re looking for the fat burning and brain boosting benefits from chocolate, you need to reach for concentrated dark chocolate.”

Most of us have heard something along these lines before as it pertains to Dark Chocolate, and I just thought it is pretty interesting stuff, especially since I like Dark Chocolate.  Now as you can see they only recommend “1-2 squares” of Dark Chocolate with minimum of 70% cacoa per day.  That is a relatively small amount, assuming that what they mean by a “square” is what I am thinking of.  Anyway, I agree that Dark Chocolate, in small amounts, can be very good for you.  So go ahead and have you some!  Just make sure and choose the true “Dark” kind with minimum of 70% cacoa (it will say on the label and or ingredients) and dont overdo it!


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