AGE IS A STATE OF MIND. How to use this to your Advantage!

leanne40thLook at that Beautiful Woman with me!  Man SHE IS HOT!!!  My amazing Proverbs 31 wife had her 40th Birthday yesterday.  We went up to hotlanta to celebrate.  We had a wonderful Celebration.

Speaking of “birthdays” and growing older, “they” say that age is just a state of mind.  Basically you and what you allow your mind to think will to a large extent determine the condition of your health.  Well I agree.  God has given us a “Strong MIND” and He gave it to us as a TOOL for us to Control and Use to steer our Health and Lives in the correct direction.  The problem is that many allow the way they “feel”, their current circumstances, their past experiences, and what others say to choose for them what their MIND Thinks on, and therefore they begin to EXPECT. 

If you Expect your Health to deteriate as you get older, then it most likely will.  If you choose to allow your Mind to just follow what your body feels, then your Mind will choose to think on those lowly things.  And the Mind will continue to send the body negative signals, and then of course the body responds negatively.  Instead of falling into this trap, simply GRAB HOLD OF YOUR MIND, and Use it the way God intended for it to be used: as a Powerful Tool to be controlled and used by the real you.  Remember you are a “spirit”, you have a mind, will, and emotions, and you live in a body.  Your mind, will, emotions, and body are not YOU.  Yes they are part of you, but they are not the true YOU.  The True You is your spirit.  And with Jesus Christ as your saviour, you have been literally RECREATED and made new.  As you choose to Believe this and use HIS WORD to base your health and life on, you choose to take control of your mind will and emotions, using them to steer your health and life in the right direction. 

Yes we all realize that it is not necessarily an “easy” thing to do.  But it is like the old saying: You will pay the price somewhere, either up front or later.  The main difference is if you wait till later, the price is usually much higher.  (I am not sure this is an “old” saying, but it is one I use a lot!)  So take the effort “up front” to CHOOSE TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR MIND AND WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO THINK ON.  Also Choose to Take control of that Powerful Tongue and Choose to Speak good Words.  Choose to speak only what HE has to say about you, your health and your life!  It truly does pay off!  Remember, whether you want to or not, you will think thoughts and speak words daily.  Just make sure these thoughts and Words are steering your health and life in the direction you want to go!


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