nutritionbarsDW (daily Workout)

Movement Stretches x 10+ each

2-3 Mile Walk/Run (optional)

I like to post NUTRITION Reminders for you from time to time since NUTRITION plays a pretty big role in improving your health, and life!  And that is why I chose the PIC for today of the Nutrition Bars

Now granted, and just honestly, most “Nutrition” bars are not very Nutritious.  Many times you mite as well have a true “candy” bar as the ingredients used in the “Nutrition” bars are very bad.  There are some though that are pretty Nutritious and way better than other “snack” options that many people choose.  You have probably seen this list before but it doesnt hurt to recap for all of us:

CLIF – Clif Bar is one of the best all around Nutrition bars on the market today when you take in several factors: Easy to get your hands on; High Quality ingredients; several kinds to choose from; Many Flavors.  I started using Clif bars back in the 90’s and recommending them for our clients and youth Athletes as sources for snacks, Meal Replacements, Pre Workout and Post Workout foods.  Back then it was not that easy to find them, and now I guess because of the demand, you can find around here very easy! Here are my 3 top choices of Clif

Regular Clif Bar – Higher in Carbs but still pretty balanced.  If you are more “carb” conscious then eat only half or choose another kind.  I eat one every morning with a Nutrition Shake for Breakfast.  ANd the boys LOVE them!!  These are great for kids.

Mojo Bar – More Balanced with carb, protein, and fat.  More like a “trail mix” type bar.  Several flavors.  Good for a low calorie, quick meal replacement.  Even though I dont highly advocate using these as a true “meal replacement” long term, they are good to use when traveling and any other time you need something quick, easy, and healthy.  And if you did use as a meal replacement long term you still would be better off vs many other choices.

Builder Bar – This one is higher in protein.  Comes in several flavors.  My favorite flavor is Vanilla.  The protein source mainly is from soy which is usually not highly recommended, but I trust Clif that their “source” of soy is of higher quality than most.  And the “source” of soy is the biggest problem when it comes to “soy problems”.  This one can be good also for a snack or a Meal Replacement.


Kind (in the pic) – Trail Mix type bar.  2- 3 flavors.  My favorite flavor is dark chocolate and cherry.  Good balanced bar.  High quality ingredients.  another good one for snack or meal replacement as needed.

Zone – Good balanced bar.  I like the Zone, especially the double dark chocolate.  I am not real excited about all the ingredients, but it is a better option vs many other bars and or snack choices.

Now of course there are I am sure several other great Nutrition Bars on the market and some of them may overall be way better than any of the above listed.  These that I gave you though are the ones me and my family use personally and they are pretty easy to get your hands on.  

So use Nutrition Bars as a good source for quick Nutrition.  ANd use it as a means to help you to stay on a Healthy Eating Plan.  Nutrition Bars are not meant to take the place of good ole Home cooked Nutritious meals, but the reality is that most of us can really use these to fill in the gaps for us when we otherwise would not make the best choices.  Be Wise!


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