Use the TOOLS and the PROCESS for Success!

woutagilityGB DWs (daily workouts, for the Weekend!)

Choose 2-3 Workouts for the Weekend:

1. Walk / Run for 10+ Minutes

2. 1-2 rounds of: 2 Min. max reps Pushups, 2 min. max reps Squats, 2 min. max reps Supercrunch.

3. Swimming, Biking, Walking, Playing in the Yard with the kids for a while!

Will, Aaron, and Tre are 3 of our Athletes in the pic that are performing a “Agility” Drill called Carioke.  In the pic I know they look a little strange but that is because of the “BIG” rotation they are getting with their hips while running Laterally, or Sideways.  We do a lot of different speed, agility, and quickness drills with our Athletes.  One of the things we always remind them is that they MUST STAY MENTALLY IN GEAR, not just physically in Gear. 

What we mean with this expression is that we want our Athletes to Purposely keep their Mind “in gear” and thinking through their specific “Technique” for the specific drill.  We constantly remind them that: GOD GAVE THEM A STRONG MIND AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITY IS TO CHOOSE TO TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR MIND AND THOUGHTS AND PURPOSELY THINK ON THE “RIGHT” THINGS.  Then when they do this they can moreso Determine their physicall PERFORMANCE. 

It is the same with all of us.  We must remember that our Mind is literally a POWERFUL TOOL that God gave us.  We can not let anything control our Mind and our Thoughts except ourselves.  Then we choose to steer what the Mind thinks and believes to The Word of God.  Therefore we are choosing what to Think on.  From there we choose to also SPEAK the Correct and Corresponding Words.  The whole time totally EXPECTING to see the Desired Results.  This is the way HE set it up, we just have to get in line with it, use the Tools and the Process HE gave us, and EXPECT to see His Best in our health and lives!! 


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