Choose 2-3 of the following Workouts for the rest of your Thanksgiving holidays:
1. 12 Squats, 12 Pushup Leg Tucks, 12 Spider Crawls
50 / 100 Burpees
2. Movement Stretches x 8 each
250 / 500 Jump Rope, 50 / 100 Situps, 50 / 100 Walkn Lunges
3. Walk / Jog / Run 10+ minutes
This is a very special picture right here and I think a perfect one for THANKSGIVING! Kendra (the hall of fame GB trainer) took this pic during church one sunday. That is Joshua Paul with me and LeAnne, and David Ben was in his own class so he didnt get in the act with us. Anyway, it was a special time as we were worshipping our Father as a family, and it was so awesome that Kendra caught it on camera for us. So I am very THANKFUL for the pic and the memory.
I am so very Thankful for all that my Good Daddy has done for me, my family, and for God-Built. I have so much to be Thankful for. I am very THANKFUL to you for allowing me, and God-Built, to be involved in your health and life. It is truly a blessing to be able to minister His Love, His Word, His principles for ABUNDANT health and life! He Loves you, and we here at GB love you and again we say THANK YOU!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING.