How to add Grains back into your diet after The 7th Day.

snowtrip15dadjpGB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 10

2 Min Max Walkn Lunges

2 Min Max Mnt Climbers

2 Min Max JRope / Run

Check out me and my little buddy on the slopes!  It was the first time skiing for both of the boys, and they both did great.  They would take off straight down the slopes.  I would be hollering “Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!”  If you are a skier you know what that means.  But they would only do the “french fry” which means they were going fast.  They loved it.  And again, I look forward to taking them again.


One of my good buddies is following our 40 DAY HEALTH AND LIFE WORKBOOK (remember you can download it free right here on the homepage of, left side).  He is on his 3rd day of the 7 DAY FAST/CLEANSE.  This is basically where you cut way back on your quantity of foods, and maximize your quality of food.  I told him a very important key is that on the “8th” day when you start back with a more regular diet, be very slow about adding back in grains.  Many people load back up on grains after a restrictive phaze like this, and one thing usually that will happen is the body will quickly start storing this as fat and start retaining water.  So if you are following any restrictive type plan like our 7 day phaze, be very aware about adding back in grains into your diet. 

**If you follow the Book (remember its FREE), it will guide you step by step in how to correctly adjust your diet after Day 7!


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