8 Min Walk / Run / JRope
50 / 100 x Squat, Pushup, Super Crunch
Check out the boys locked up in the cage with Lucy. Now the boys are the ones who did this, not me and LeAnne! For some reason they think this is fun and of course Lucy jumps right in with them. It is pretty crowded. It is fun to see them create ways to have fun! Good stuff.
On the subject of FUN, finding a way to have Fun by laughing is very healthy actually. When we find ways to truly laugh it helps us get into a state of Peace and Joy. Now sometimes, like we have said before, you have to CHOOSE to make yourself laugh. Sometimes you have to Choose to take your focus off of the stressful circumstances and think on good things, and those things that will bring laughter. Laughter, Peace, and Joy are literally healing to the body. So find a way to make yourself laugh today. And let me tell you, sometimes the best way to make yourself laugh is to think about truly how silly all that worrying is! I know I have to do this from time to time! We all deal with stress, and at the same time according to His Word, THE TRUTH, we absolutely DO NOT have to worry at all. So LAUGH!!! It is GREAT MEDICINE!