Great Nutrition Advice

dinner15GB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 10

50/75 Reps of Each for best time:

DB Swings, Xcrunch, Pushups

This is a pic of my dinner last night.  I wanted something quick easy and healthy, and this is what I came up with.  And then of course LeAnne said: You should take a picture of that and post it up.  And as usual, she had a great idea.  This is 2 whole eggs cooked over medium in butter, and a whole avocado.  ANd there you go, another healthy, easy dinner or lunch option.

Making better Nutritional choices can be tough sometimes I agree.  It is just like yesterday when we were going out to eat with some friends after church.  We were trying to decide where to go and they said it depending on me mostly since they thought that I would only want to go where I could order something healthy, I guess.  My response was: It does not matter to me where we go because I can make a “better” choice anywhere.  This “better” choice is something we have discussed here on many times before.  And it is being in this type of mindset that can take you a long ways as far as your Nutrition goes. 

It is not about being perfect as far as eating.  You have to realize that you will never be perfect.  If you fall into this trap, you will always find something else you think you “have to do”.  The best thing you can do is as we have said before:

Simply apply any good Nutritional principles that you already know will benefit you.  Start with 1-3 of them and go from there.  “If you just apply what you already know and nothing “new”, you can change your life / health for the better.” 

So make sure you dont get caught up in trying to do too much.  And dont be looking for the “latest and greatest”.  Just do what you already know you should be doing.  And from there if you wind up doing new and or more helpful stuff. then great. 

DO the simple stuff, and do it consistently.

Be in the mindset of making “Better” Choices anywhere and everywhere you eat.

No matter what you are eating, you can always limit the Quantity.  And this in itself can help a whole lot.

Dont beat yourself up if you “mess up”.  Get over it and go on.  It will only “sabotage” your efforts if you let it!


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