More Eating Out Specific Tips


Encouraging Word – Never Ever Give up on your dreams.  Keep Expecting.  Go ahead and THANK HIM for it!

Nutrition – You can make a “better” food choice no matter where you are at. *(read below for specifics on eating out choices)

Exercise – Movement Stretches x 7.  10 Squats, 5-10 Pushups, 5 Situps.  

Personal Best Test – Max Reps in 1 Minute of each exercise: Squats, Pushups, Situps.  *rest 1-2 minutes between exercises

This is a good pic from our GB Christmas Breakfast we kind of threw together at the last minute.  We have held this annual event for several years now, and even though it was put together last minute, we decided it was definitely worth doing to keep the tradition going.  Good stuff.

Eating out and Making Better Choices.  Eating out is something we all do.  Remember though our “Nutrition” tip for the day yesterday: Limit Restaurant visits.  When you do make a “better” choice.  Well first thing is simply to not eat out much at all.  We realize though that we will eat out sometimes, so here are a few Tips you can follow to help keep yourself on track with Better Nutritional Actions:

Cut out most or all grains: breads, pastas, rices, cereals, chips, etc.  i.e. Take the bread off the sandwich and eat the meat only, or use only one piece of the bread.  No chips at Mexican, or set a limit to 5-10 chips.  If eating pasta dishes, seperate out most or 1/2 of the pasta up front.

Mexican restaurants: again, limit the chips up front.  Fajitas are one of the best choices as you can not use the tortillas and just eat the meat, onions, peppers, beans, salsa, avocado.

All Restaurants: Drink water or unsweetened tea only

When choosing Salads: get the dressing on the side and be “lite” with it. 

Again, LIMIT your visits to eating out! 

We are doing our best to help you to take control of your health and life in this new year!  God has given you all the tools, power, and authority you need already to WIN!  It will take work, and it will require FAITH.  Remember though when you truly BELIEVE, your works / actions will prove that out.


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