One of the most Powerful “Health & Life Changing” Statements I have ever heard in my life!

It’s a great day to have great day!  Oh Yes it is, why? Because this is the day that The Lord has made for me and for you! Ye baby!

If you check out the picture above, you will see a few very important, wise, effective “LIFE” keys.  These are the notes I took from Pastor Dan when he spoke at our church recently.  He has experienced some very drastic challenges in his life in the past few months.  And I mean drastic.  Yet he is focused on doing what he can and helping people to discover who God is, and who they are In HIM.

Notice the 1 key note that I circled: Gratitude is the Gateway to Joy.

Now that is such a powerful Truth.  Right when he said it, it just set me off on the inside.  It was like there was a ringing bell, light bulb, and everything else going off in me letting me know that I just heard one of the most powerful things I will ever hear!  Now yes I have heard this before, I have said it and taught it before in one way or another.  And I may have even taught it saying the same exact words (i am not sure and it isnt really important whether i did or not), yet it went off inside of me like it was fresh and new!  See one thing I have learned is that no matter how many times you hear something, if it is truth and it is real to you, then you will still get excited about it.  If you “are tired of hearing it” then you dont really understand or believe in it as a powerful truth.

Anyway, this thing went off inside of me so strong.  I realized the power for myself and also I immediately thought about you.  I literally thought to myself: Now I have to make sure I share this everyone.  I want to make sure they hear this, see this, and allow God to help them to understand the power of this.

We all want JOY in our lives.  And like the Good Book says “it is the JOY of the Lord that is our strength.”  If you want JOY, then the gateway is GRATITUDE / THANKFULNESS.  Train yourself to be Grateful and Thankful.  And yes you can do that.  I believe we, you and me, can pretty much train ourselves to think and do whatever we want.  So no matter your current situation, choose to find something/s to be GRATEFUL / THANKFUL for!  You can do it.  And one of the awesome ways to look at this is that this is simply one of God’s great principles that He created for you so that you can walk and live in His JOY, no matter what is going on around you.  Remember it is a choice.  And yes sometimes the Choice is hard to make, yet it is still 100% yours!  So choose wisely.  Choose LIFE!  Choose HIS JOY by choosing THANKFULNESS!


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