Friends and neighbors

Sorry there have been no new posts for a few days.  We were experiencing some technical difficulties, but now back up and running. 

One thing I have found out in my life is that “faith” is a key.  The Bible is clear and states that God is only pleased by faith.  Bible faith = Confident Expectation.  Now that is the type of faith I am talking about.  And when you start after any goal in life, one key element is to have confident expectation that you are going to reach your goal.  Otherwise you are just “trying” something.  And when you “try” something, you give yourself an automatic “out” when times get tough. 

Also, trying something is no different than playing the lottery.  You do have a very small chance, or probability, of winning, but it is very very slim.  So in life, you dont want to “chance” things and you dont want to play the lottery with your life.  You must go into your endeavors with CONFIDENT EXPECTATION, knowing that you will accomplish your goal no matter what it takes.  And that is another important key, you do have to be willing to do whatever it takes, never ever quitting.  Only accept God’s best and always walk, work, play, and live with confident expectation. 


Godbless u kj

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