Just a minor adjustment can be all you need!

Friends and neighbors

Me and Kendra were talking this morning and discussing “BASICS”.   ONe of the main issues concerning Basics that we were talking about was the fact that it does all come back to basics, and it usually is most important to focus only on changing a few things at first when looking to improve health. 

One of the biggest problems I have faced in coaching people to improve their health and lives is the fact that many get literally overwhelmed with all that they “think” they need to do or change as far as their exercise and nutrition habits.  It is true that you can make many changes in your health actions, but will you?  That is the main question.  What are you truly willing to change?  I can give you a list of 100 things you can change that can help to bring about dramatic positive improvements, but those 100 things will do you no good if you dont do them.  I would much rather you believe in your heart that just changing 1 or 2 things right now will create positive momentum and changes.  Changing 1 or 2 things is percievably “doable” by most people.  And even though many people want to change a lot of things in the beginning, the truth is that most will become overwhelmed and eventually quit all together.  So again, starting off with making just a few simple changes is really the best way for most people.  ANd yes doing it this way is important to help people just kind of get into the swing of doing positive things in order to also create momentum.  That is not the only reason though.  Changing 1,2, or 3 simeple things with your diet can truly bring tremendous benefits. 

So realize that you do not have to make a whole lot of changes in order to GET STARTED on improving your health.  Oh man this is so important to get into your heart and mind.  I would dare say there are many people right now that are not making any positive changes or steps towards controlling their health and life because of this misconception about what it truly takes to make some good progress.  So make sure you do not fall into this trap and lie that you have to change many things in order to see positive changes.  All it really takes is changing 1,2, or 3 things in order to make progress, and sometimes huge progress, in your health and life.  So GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!


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