Just a “little more” can bring results desired!

Friends and neighbors

I was talking with someone this morning and they made a great point: “Many times the effort it takes to be “fully” committed vs. halfway or 3/4 committed is small.”  This is true in many cases.  ANd we all have been guilty of “trying” something to see if it works.  ANd when we try something we are almost always setting ourselves up for failure, if it is something we are hoping to get results from.  Many times the biggest adjustment is only in our heart and mind. 

I believe the problem is fear of failure, and fear of responsibility.  But as I have said many times before, when you try something and or are half commited, you are depending on chance or probability, just like playing the lottery.  If you play the lottery you have a “chance” or probability of winning, but it is a very slim one.  So the vast majority of people who depend on the lottery to supply them their financial dreams are going to continue to be very dissappointed. 

When you set out to do something positive with a goal in mind, you need to be “all in.”  And as i said earlier, many times your actual effort required really isnt that much different.  It is just making that adjustment in your heart that you are going to sell out, do your very best, then set your mind to the truth that thru HIM you can and WILL.  So if you are “half in” in you health and or life improvement, make that adjustment and go “ALL OUT.”  Yeh Baby!!


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