How long do you need to woller around in it?

Friends and neighbors

When you get knocked down, just get yourself right back up and get to going again!!

We all make mistakes, take hard hits, and come up short sometimes.  But you know what?  Who cares?!  That is just part of life.  One thing that is common among very successful people in life is that they too make mistakes, and fall short sometimes.  One of the main differences between highly successful people and those who dont succeed is that the successful ones dont let anything stop them.  And if you read any successful person’s story you will usually see a whole lot of mistakes and hard hits, but they kept going. 

DONT LET THE ENEMY GET YOU IN CONDEMNATION.  Get your focus off of you and off of your lack of ability.  Put your focus on the fact that HE is in you and you are unstoppable when you set out to accomplish those goals HE has put in your heart to do.  When you mess up,IMMEDIATELY pick yourself up, get back to work on accomplishing your goal, and stay out of condemnation.  You can do it, oh yes you can.  And again, if HE IS FOR YOU then who or what can be successfully against you?!


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