Friends and neighbors

Wow what a awesome CHRISTMAS!!  Me and my family had a the best Christmas yet.  It was so much fun it I believe it was the truly the best yet.  And I expect next year will be even better.

Remember to finish Strong this year, 2011, and be expecting great things for 2012.  I hear and see some people making “predictions” at the beginning of each year.  Usually these are people that give their best educated guesses for what is going to happen in their field of business for the new year.  Well on that note, I am going to make a my own prediction:  2012 is going to be a year of ABUNDANCE for any of us willing to take it as that and go forth from this day forward expecting an Abundance of His blessings in our health and lives. 

As you have heard me say many times in many ways, I believe that our health and our lives are what we make of them.  God has blessed each of us with the framework and the ability to succeed and walk in His blessing of Abundant Life.  We will face adversity, but thru HIM we can and should overcome, everytime.  If we dont first succeed, then go at it again expecting to succeed, and never ever giving up until we see that success.  And remember, your idea of success may be much different than mine or anyone elses.  You have to determine what being financially successful means to you.  You have to determine what being “healthy” means to you.  You have to determine what being “prosperous” means to you.  Dont judge others if there idea of prosperity is higher, or lower, than yours in any area.  You settle in your heart that God designed you and empowered you to be prosperous in your health and life, take it as yours, then start walking it out, the whole time EXPECTING!


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