“Cardio Myth” runners beware

Friends and neighbors

There is a great “cardio myth” that is still believed by many people.  I was just reading in the Reader’s Digest that a large majority of folk still believe that “cardio” exercise (long duration, low – medium intensity aerobic activity) is the best for weight and or body fat loss.  It has been proven over and over now that this is false.  I have talked about this many times with clients in person, through emails, and through my posts here on godbuilt.com.  Yet I still have many people, some I know who have heard me talk about this issue many times, say something along these lines: “Well I just want to lose some weight first so I “know” I just need to do some “cardio”.”  Again this is absolutely wrong.  Yes you can lose weight just by doing “cardio.”  Yes it can be healthy for you.  For most people though they truly dont “like” going at something steady for a long duration as what is required by cardio training.  Many people who run dont really like to run they just think it is the best way to lose weight.  My opinion on running is that it can be very good for you, but most “runners” who run for the exercise do 2 main things wrong: 1.  they have very poor form.  2.  they do way too much volume.  You couple these 2 together and you usually get injured.  And many of those do not actually enjoy it, again they just believe it is what they must do in order to lose weight. 

So my point here is dont fall into the “cardio myth” trap.  Cardio training is not the best and most effective way to lose weight.  The most effective and by far TIME EFFECIENT form of exercise is high intensity interval training.  ANd remember “high intensity” is always relative to the individual.  ANyone can do it and everyone can benefit from it.  ANd if you do enjoy running or any other form of “cardio” training, then do it.  Make sure though that you learn the proper way to do it and that you learn from someone who for sure knows how much volume is right for you, particularly with running. 


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