GE foods – no good, no good, no good!

Friends and neighbors

We all know that eating better quality foods and controlling our quantities is very important for better health.  One of the issues with “quality” is that you literally can run yourself into fear trying to eat “perfect”.  I see it many times with people who are trying hard to take care of their bodies, but they end up in fear and worried all the time about food and health.  This type of living is not living, at least not the way HE wants us to.  Yes you and me should do our best to be aware of the quality and quantity of foods we eat but we should not live in fear.  You, and noone else, have to decide at what level you are willing to commit to as far as improving your nutrition.  There will always be “more that you can do” so dont overwhelm yourself. 

On that note, I think the following information is one of those many many things that you can become aware of.  And I believe that this is one of those very important pieces of information for you to be aware of.  And again, anything I work to inform and or remind you of is never meant to bring fear and or condemnation. 

GE foods are “genetically engineered” foods.  These are foods that literally are “genetically modified” and altered to produce a man made “superior” food.  Well, sorry but man just cant improve on what God made.  It will always come around to “bite you in the butt.”  If you want some detailed info on this i am including a link to Dr. Mercola’s recent article about GE foods, plus he has a lot more info you can find on his site about this topic.  Even if you dont want to go to the link, make sure and read thru the rest of these basic stats on GE foods that I have kind of roughly summed up for you:

GE foods – 90+% of all corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, grown is GE

GE foods – much evidence showing its danger to humans, and environmental health, with no evidence to show its safety, yet it is 100% wide open to put in the foods you buy and eat, without you ever having to know it

GE foods – banned in many other countries.  many recent refusals from other countries to even let some of the big companies plant experimental crops because of fear of cross contamination of the natural crops!!!

GE foods – in US there is no requirement to “LABEL” as such on food labels.  **if it is supposedly safe then where is the problem in letting us know it is GE.

GE foods – have caused a growing number of “superweeds” and super insects

GE foods- overall are very bad business for you and me.  being that 90+% of the above crops listed are GE that means that most all, if not all, grocery store and restaurant packaged food that you and i eat contains GE foods

Again, this is to inform you to be aware of GE foods, but in no way to bring fear.  To get into fear would be just as bad and probably more harmful than eating the food itself.  If you want more info then go to:


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