More on how to walk in Abundant Health & Life

jpbday9GB DW (daily workout)

Max Jump Rope / Jumping Jacks – 3 minutes

Max Pushups – 3 minutes

My big boy is 9 years old today!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my wonderful awesome and Blessed son!  I love my little buddy.

You know, as parents we love to CELEBRATE things with our kids like: Birthdays; Christmas; Good reports from school; a Task completed; etc.  I believe celebrate with them because we like to teach our children about “Reward” but first and foremost I believe we enjoy it because we know the “JOY” it is going to bring them.  We know how much our kids love it when they get praised and Rewarded.  And we all love to get praise and Rewards! 

Remember our topic yesterday about what God told my good buddy: “Son I want to bless you even more than you want to be blessed!  I want to bless you more than you can imagine!”?  Well let me continue on with this topic and say that God our Daddy wants to CELEBRATE and Reward us as a Good Daddy just like we as good parents want to celebrate and reward our kids.  And it is all because HE loves us.  His Love is so Big for you and me.  His Love overcame everything in this world already just for you!  His Love is the power that He put inside when Jesus came to live in your heart.  His Love is all the power you will ever need and it is more than enough to cause you to WIN in this life in every area of your life, including your health!  And again, it is all because HE LOVES you!

**In the middle of writing this my little buddy just called me to make sure I was going to be home later to go out to eat and “toy” shop for his birthday this evening.  If you are a parent you know the feeling you get way down inside when you hear that sweet little voice and you understand how much you yearn to bless your kids, wanting to see them Happy and Blessed!!  So my whole point here is that GOD LOVES YOU AND HE WANTS TO BLESS YOU.  The more you realize this, focus on it, and allow it to become TRUTH to you, the more you will truly start to walk in HIS Best for you health and your life.  It does all start on the INside!!


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