2 Main Reasons to Focus on Great FORM in Exercise

wout20GB DW (daily workout)

Fast Walk / Jog 2 minutes

30 reps each for Fastest Time:

Walkn Lunge, SuperCrunch, Squat Jumps, Pushup Leg Tuck, Walkn Lunge

Check out one of our GB athletes doing some Power Clean Squat Press!  Good looking technique there CA! 

Here at GOD-BUILT we focus first and foremost on FORM and TECHNIQUE when it comes to any and all exercises and drills that we have our clients perform.  And I believe that is what we all should put first in order of Importance for Exercises and Drills: Form and Technique.

Now I know that just like in life, our Form for our Exercises is not always going to be perfect.  At the same time though it is very important to keep a constant focus on good or great form.  There are 2 main issues at hand as far as Correct Form and Technique for Exercise:

1. Keeping the Correct Form DECREASES YOUR CHANCE OF INJURY.  This is #1 in my book.  Remember that there is still a chance of injury no matter how great of Form you have, but you can greatly Decrease that chance by Focusing and keeping Good Form. 

2. Keeping the Correct Form in most cases Increases your Return from your effort for that particular Exercise.  Now in the beginning you are likely to have to back off the intensity in order to get the Technique correct, but remember to just be patient.  Your patience will help to make you more effecient, therefore getting more done from your effort put into it. 

So always remember to focus First and Foremost on your FORM AND TECHNIQUE when it comes to Exercise and Athletic Drills.  Taking the time to train yourself Proper Technique can help you to keep from getting hurt, plus it will bring you a better Return on Investment in the long run!


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