Friends and neighbors
I was talking yesterday with a client and friend about teaching our kids to be thankful. She, like most all of us parents, was concerned that even though she constantly taught her kids to be thankful, they were often very selfish, ungrateful, and inconsiderate.
I basically told her that she should not worry, and that her kids were just being kids. And not to get overly concerned and definitely to keep planting those good seeds into them, expecting to see a harvest of “grateful”, and “thankful” kids one day. Just like most everything else in life, good seed takes much time, energy, focus, and faith to produce a mighty harvest. So whatever it is that you are doing towards taking control of your health and life, keep it up. And remember that your good seed will return back to you a mighty harvest. You must keep watering that seed, keep the weeds out, put some fertilizer on it, the whole time totally expecting all that time, energy, and effort to produce the desired results.
Godbless u kj