Astaxanthin follow up. Youth camp revelation

Friends and neighbors

Astaxanthin follow up:  NOW Foods has a supplement called “Astaxanthin” that you can buy online at a reasonable price.  As best as i can tell the best dosage is 2-4 mg per day.  Again, this is very good stuff and i would highly recommend it for anyone, especially if you are suffering from any inflammation related troubles.

We are having our 2nd Game Shape youth Sports Performance camp this week.  As always we are pushing the kids not just physically but also challenging them mentally and spiritually.  One of the things we talked about this morning that i want to share with you is about how you “see” your life.  I used the example of how 2 people can basically have the same life as far as opportunities, troubles, adversity, money, etc, but the way they “see” their life can bring 2 totally different outcomes.  The one who chooses to focus on their problems and or what they “dont have”, is going to literally live a life with a victim’s mentality and always looking for something to magically change and make things better for them.  On the other hand the one who instead is THANKFUL and chooses to focus on their blessings, is the one who even though they are living in the same situations, they choose to “see” themselves as blessed, therefore they are.  And the big thing is that the latter is the one who will not focus on adversity, but on their ability through Christ to overcome.  They will literally draw more opportunities to themselves.  We all know this to some extent, but this is real and very big.  This is something that you have to get a hold of in your own life.  If you are waiting for adversity to leave so you can then believe or live a blessed life, then you will be waiting for ever.  Choose to be one who does not focus on what you dont have, but one who focuses on what God has blessed you with.  Choose to not focus on your adversity, but on your ability to overcome and win! 


Godbless u kj

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