Pics of KJ’s Supplements

friends and neighbors

As i told you i am going to give you some pics of the supplements i use.  Check out the pics.  Here is what you will see:

NOW Whey protein – use this for morning shake (almost every morning), post workout drink

NOW Virgin Coconut Oil – morning shake (3-4 times per week)

NOW Cod LIver Oil – morning shake (almost every morning)

NOW Fruit & Green Phyto Food – morning shake (3-4 times per week)

GARDEN OF LIFE Men’s Vitamin Code (everyday)

NOW Electro Endurance – postworkout , add with protein

There you have it.  You can see the pics to see the actual product.  And remember, you should be able to find all this at your local herb store.  And of course your cheapest source is usually online for each product. 


Godbless u kj

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