Assume Responsibility – truth hurts sometimes

Friends and neighbors

Man I am excited about this holiday weekend.  We are going to have a great time and I expect you will do the same. 

I have had the blessing to be able to c0ach a whole lot of people over the last 15 years to improve their health and lives.  Over these last 15 years I have learned a lot in dealing with people, and I am still learning how to deal with people.  One thing I know is that all of us are “people” and we all have to overcome “stuff” in our lives.  ONe of the most important “things” to overcome and to get a true handle on in your health and life is the issue of responsibility

To take full responsibility for your future health and life is a very important key if you are going to improve and keep improving.  I have dealt with many people that do not want to assume responsibility.  They want to continually put off their lack of success on someone or something else.  And many times they dont even realize they are doing this.  Let me give you some examples of the things I hear that show me instantly that they have not assumed responsibility: “If you would offer your program this way or at these times, I would definitely be there”; “I was coming but the trainer/s did not motivate me enough”; “You dont understand my circumstances”; “With my work schedule I just cant follow that type of exercise and nutrition program”.  I understand that people’s issues and schedules are real, but I also understand that there literally will never be the “right” time to start or do something.  You have “to make” now the right time, and you just have to “make it happen.”  You may not be able to do the same things other people do, but you can do something.  And you have to realize that as soon as you start blaming other people and or circumstances on your lack of effort and consistency, then you are handing over your POWER to them.  And again, I realize that all of us have issues and circumstances in our lives.  But you must assume responsibility for your health and life from this point forward.  You can not change the past, but you can do something this very second to impact your future.  ANd either way you look at it, you are impacting your future health and life this very second, good or bad.

I am saying all this because it is literally “crippling” when you start blaming others and circumstances in your health and life.  You are the only one who can improve your life.  ANd yes it is only by His Power that He has given you through Jesus Christ, and you have to be the one to believe, recieve it, and then act on it.  Remember the Word says that our faith is made mature by our works.  ANd faith without works is dead.  So start taking responsibility, stop blaming anyone or anything else, and get to doing.  Contrary to what many believe, it is absolutely EMPOWERING when you assume responsibility for your future health and life.


Godbless u kj

2 responses to “Assume Responsibility – truth hurts sometimes”

  1. I agree, I agree, I agree. Once you realize that your life is what you make it then it is pretty simple from their. While everyone has his/her own set of problems to deal with things can ALWAYS be WORSE. Reminds of the story of the guy who walked barefoot down the street complaining about not having any shoes until he ran into the lady who had no feet. I believe (and, it has taken me a long time to get here) that we have to work with what we’ve got and remember that things can always be worse so we must be grateful for what we have, embrace what we call our problems, pick ourselves up and live our lives to the best of our ability. Excuses can put up walls that do not really exist.

  2. REVISED I agree, I agree, I agree. Once you realize that your life is what you make of it then it is pretty simple from there. While everyone has his/her own set of problems to deal with things can ALWAYS be WORSE. Reminds me of the story of the guy who walked barefoot down the street complaining about not having any shoes until he ran into the lady who had no feet. I believe (and, it has taken me a long time to get here) that we have to work with what we’ve got and remember that things can always be worse. We must be grateful for what we have, fully embrace what we call our problems, pick ourselves up and live our lives to the best of our ability. Excuses can put up walls that do not really exist.

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