Great Day, what determines this

Friends and neighbors

Man it is a great day to have a great day!

You hear me say that a lot, especially if you work out with us here at God-‘Built.  And I believe it every time I say it.  And everyday I expect to have a great day.  Is every day a great day?  Well not necessarily.  Some days are tougher than others.  Even when the day is tough though, I still believe it can be and should be a great day.  The only way most of your days are going to be great is if you choose everyday to make it a great day.  And I guarantee you most of your days will turn out great.  No they will not be great because you have no adversity, but they will be great because you make a choice up front to have a great day despite circumstances.  And yes we all have those days that are very tough and there is no use in lying about, they just are not good.  But that should never stop you from expecting everyday to be a great day because of your choice in your attitude, thoughts, words, and actions.  If a bad day comes, then wake up the next morning and start over again: “ITS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY TODAY!”  YEH BABY!!  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!


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