They got the “Booty”. BACK TO BASICS

Friends and neighbors

Wow, what a great weekend.  Joshua Paul had a big ole Pirate Party here at God-Built this weekend.  LeAnne had set it up with a treasure hunt, pinata, and all the “booty” at the end.  The kids had a blast.  We also had 2 nice camp fires at the house this weekend with the family, and yes we had some “smores.”  I tell you, there is just something that is special about sitting around a good camp fire with good company.  It was so much fun for all.

BASICS.  NOw that is a “basic” word that for many is not a very exciting word.  Most of the time people want to hear words like: New; Late Breaking; Never seen before; New and Improved; etc.  If you want to improve in your health and life, it usually does come down to the BASICS.  The Basics of any process for success is going to be the main part of the process.  And the basics may not be very exciting, but they will produce exciting results

This month we are GOING BACK TO THE BASICS.  What I mean by this is we are going to put more emphasis on the Basics.  We will be giving you more Basic information concerning health and life principles, nutrition, and exercise.  We believe this is very important for us and for you.  So be looking for more Basics  teaching during this whole month.  ANd get excited about it because even though doing the Basics may not be very exciting, the results that come from consistently doing the basics is very exciting.


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