4 Basics for our BASICS Month – yeh baby!

Friends and neighbors

Since we have determined this month to be our month for BASICS, I am going to give you a list of some of the most important Basics I know of for taking control of your health and life.  Take these and let them become real to you.  ANd of course have a great weekend and enjoy life!

1. Keep your Heart clear – make sure you do not live in condemnation and guilt.  Live with a pure and clear heart and conscious.  **The only real way I know of to actually do this is by making Jesus your Lord and understanding more daily who you are IN Him.

2. Choose to think good thoughts and speak good words – You can not control every thought that comes to you, but you absolutely can control what you Think on.  You can always control every word that comes out of your mouth.  Your words literally are life or death to you and your life.  Every thought you think will produce certain emotions, and these emotions will cause certain chemical responses in the body.  You can use His Words to change and control your thoughts.  Then these lead to better health.  These are crucial factors, BASICS, for controlling your health and life.

3. Choose to BE IN CONTROL of Nutrition – What you eat is either doing you good or bad.  No you probably wont be perfect with your diet, but yes you absolutely can do better.  So start by just doing the BASICS.  You know, the things you already know you should be doing.

4. Choose to Move or Exercise on a regular basis – We recommend you exercise 3-5 days per week for 10+ minutes.  You can find the time if you will choose to.  It does not have to be anything fancy, just move!

There you have it, 4 BASIC principles for taking control of your health and life.  It really is this simple.  Yes there is more we could go into, but to understand and DO these 4 are probably the most important.  I really appreciate you and am so glad that you allow me, and all of us here at God-Built, to help you in your health and life.  I appreciate you more than you know for allowing me to be a part of your life.  I know everyone is so busy these days, and it is awesome to me to know that you take time to check up on what God is doing and saying here at God-Built.


4 responses to “4 Basics for our BASICS Month – yeh baby!”

  1. First week with God built and I have had a great time. I’m really sore but I know I’m getting stronger and building endurance. Thanks to Kendra and you for the encouragement.

    • Great to have you with us Mary and a part of Team God-Built. Keep going, expecting great things. Stay consistent and continue to Choose to take control and keep control of your health and life. kj

  2. Have you ever heard of a supplement called ONE MORE REP? If so what do you think of it and any comments on it would be appreciated!!

    • Barry, i have not heard of that one. With that name it sounds like a supplement that would have one or more of the following: creatine, arginie, caffeine. Just make sure it does not have artificial sweeteners and remember there is no substitute for hard work. All 3 of the ingredients i listed can be good for helping in strength, endurance, etc. Hope that helps some.

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