If you aint looking for EASY, then what should you be looking for?!

Friends and neighbors

We had Youth Day in church yesterday and they did this one skit where a girl was doing her “duty” and praying to God.  God, unexpected to her, started talking to her.  Of course it was one of our members that was up in the sound booth.  Joshua Paul asked me, “Daddy, is that really God talking?”  Thats good stuff!

Today is our last day of the month and our last day of our focus on BASICS.  Well of course we should always focus on doing the Basics, but for next month, actually for the next 2 months, we are going to have another focus.  I am pretty excited about this and I know this can be a huge help for you.  So make sure and tune in tomorrow to see what our focus will be for the last 2 months of this great year.  And in order to finish of our month of Basics on a great note I am giving you several BASICS to focus on for the day:

1.  Make sure your “heart” is right.  God does not want you living in condemnation or guilt.  Thru Christ we have been literally set free from guilt and condemnation.  The Word tells us explicitly that as “you think in your heart about yourself, that is what you are and will continue to be.”  So in order to progress in your health and life, you will have to have a clear and good picture in your heart of who you are.  And remember you are already victorious thru Jesus.  So that is who you really are and that is the way you must see yourself.

2.  Make sure your thoughts and words line up with where you want to be and are going.  No matter how many “good’ things you are doing towards improving your health and life, if you are thinking on the wrong things and saying the wrong things, you will eventually end up where your thoughts and words are directed. 

3.  Make simple, BASIC, positive changes in your nutrition.  It is simple, but simple does not always mean easy.  Just focus on making 1 – 3 changes. 

4.  Move.  Find a way to move 10+ minutes several times per week.  It doesnt have to be complicated and no it does not require a whole lot of time. 

All the above really is BASIC, simple, and powerful.  Just make sure you are not looking for “easy”, because that is one of the most potent tools of the enemy is to fool you into “waiting” on the easy plan.  Take the great example of the girl from “Soul Surfer” when she had to make a come back from losing her arm in a shark attack.  She made up inside her heart and in her head that she was not going to allow that “interruption” in her life to stop her from accomplishing great things.  She asked her dad to help her make the come back and he told her it was not going to be easy.  Her response was “Dad I am not looking for easy.  I am looking for possible.”  Wow!  Now that is what I am talking about.  Stop looking for easy and start looking for possible.  Remember that all things literally are possible to you who believes.  You can do it, I know for a fact that you can.  It aint easy but who cares.  Get on it dog’on it!!


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