Fear came and I hollered!

Friends and neighbors

I was going down the road yesterday hollering!

Why in the world was I hollering?!  Well I was encouraging myself in the Lord, as The Word said that David did.  I had a situation I was worrying about and had let my thoughts go down the wrong path.  I grabbed myself and started off making the best confessions I knew, which of course were personal professions of who I am in Christ.  I of course did not immediately “feel” better and the fearful thoughts were still coming.  I just started making the confessions louder and continued until I literally had built myself up and encouraged myself.  See if you and I wait until we feel like being encouraging ourselves or for someone else to encourage us we could be waiting a very long time.  So I decided I wasnt willing to take the chance.

And again, it took a little time until I had control of my thoughts and that fear, but I did not go on my emotions.  I knew that His Word tells me that I have a choice to control my thoughts and my emotions.  So I believed even though it didnt seem and feel so.  Part of the real proof that I believed was my actions of making the confessions.  Sometimes it is not enough just to believe in your heart, but also you many times, if not all times, must CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH to bring about the fullness of your faith.  All this to say, Get on it dog’on it with your words.  Be very proactive and literally encourage yourself.  You have a choice, so choose life and like the ONE said, life more abundantly.


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