Why does he do what he do? Pure motives?!

friends and neighbors

I just got through talking with a good friend of mine and a client here at God-Built.  He is gifted in the arena of physical performance capabilities.  He is one of our top performers here.  His top attribute is not his physical abilities though.  His top characteristic is he is a true man of God and he is constantly pursuing HIM and His ways.

Alot of our conversation was pointed towards why he did what he did in the area of fitness.  He talked about how he has been challenged to make sure his motives for any competition to be “pure”.  To just say he did better for bragging rights or just to be able to “beat” someone is not his motive.  He admitted that sometimes it is and that is when he backs off and reassesses things.  Anyway, he is determined to push himself in the area of fitness and health first and formost to serve the Lord.  He knows he is not perfect in that yet, but he is consistently working on it.  And for that I commend him. 

I challenge you to set a goal to literally put God first in your health and fitness.  Like you have heard us say many times before, “if God is not your first and foundational reason for taking certain health actions, you are setting yourself up for failure.”  It is totally ok to have secondary reasons such as: looking better; feeling better; living longer; etc.  But again, realize this are only secondary.  They can not and will not serve as a strong foundation that will hold up to any trial or adversity. 

God is good and His purpose and design is for you to walk in great health.  We all know that we will face adversity, but through Jesus Christ, we have been enabled / empowered to overcome and WIN!


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