You mean to tell me they pay for a large portion of that?!

Friends and neighbors

If you have a job BE THANKFUL.  If your employer offers you benefits such as health insurance BE THANKFUL.  There are many people without a job today, and with the rising health care costs there are more companies that are not able to offer health care any more.  So you should be very grateful to God #1, and also to your company and boss for being a blessing to you.  So instead of doing like many people do and complain about what they dont have, to end this year off right make sure and tell your employer how much you appreciate them and the fact that they are such a blessing for you.   

Bottom line is BE THANKFUL, no matter what.  If you dont have a job and or health benefits, then start expecting God to supply you with a good job with good benefits.  Then go ahead and start Thanking Him for it.  Remember if you really trust HIM then you know that He has answered your prayer.  To you it should be no question, only a matter of when.  ANd in the meantime, it is still HIS grace and provision that gets you through and provides for you.


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