See as He Sees U. thanks Dudley Hall

Friends and neighbors

I was reading something from Dudley Hall this morning.  Dudley is a minister of the Word and has great insight and wisdom from the Word of God.  Check out this quote from his message today:

“Changing the process without a new perspective is futile. Until we see that because of God’s initiative through the cross-event we have a new identity, we will simply continue to feel disappointed in the process we are in….. We no longer choose actions to get an award. We choose actions because we have received the gift.”  Now let me tell you that is very powerful stuff right there.  I really like the way he sums it all up.  And of course he is referring to what Christ did for us at the cross.  ANd this statement I believe can be applied to any area of our lives. 

One of the things that I believe is very important that I always talk to clients, and you, about is the fact that you can make all the external changes you want as far as “new actions” but if there is not a change on the inside as far as how you “SEE” yourself and how you “SEE” your goals or dreams and the process of getting there, then you will basically just end up back in the same situation as before.  Just changing your actions is almost always only temporary, unless there is a true “renewed” mind and understanding of just who you are.  And this to some extent is what Dudley was talking about, at least for what I got out of it.  I believe anyone can take this and use it to prosper in their lives and to literally take control of their health and life.  Within all of us is a great strength to overcome and conquer if we can take responsibility and authority to use the strength of our mind will and emotions to control our lives.  Many people without ever recognizing God as the author, The KING, in their lives have accomplished seemingly great things, but there is more to it.  Even though I do believe you accomplish great things in your health and life just through mind, will, and emotional control paired with consistent hard work, I dont believe that this is best.  HIS best is for you to accept HIS free gift of life through Jesus Christ His Son.  And that life is not just eternal life in heaven, which of course is in and of itself is far more greater than we can imagine right now.  That life includes life here on earth.  He wants us to live that “Zoe” life.  The life in abundance, authority, and power as HE has it.  That doesnt mean we dont face adversity, but it does mean that we have the authority and responsibility to overcome adversity.  Jesus already overcame for us, all we have to do is choose to accept that and walk in it through faith. 

Let me end this with how we began it, just because i believe Dudley summed it up so well:“Changing the process without a new perspective is futile. Until we see that because of God’s initiative through the cross-event we have a new identity, we will simply continue to feel disappointed in the process we are in….. We no longer choose actions to get an award. We choose actions because we have received the gift.”  Realize that you do have to “take on” your new identify in Christ, in this you will begin to literally “see” yourself as HE sees you and as HE already determined you to be here on this earth.  It is HIS will for you to prosper in your health and life, overcoming the circumstances and adversity that come.  But one of the most important things that you will begin to see as you SEE your new identity is that you already have the prize, the goal, the gift in you.  It is already yours.  THanks to Dudley Hall for a great message there!! Yeh Baby!


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