Improve ur life, but also others

Friends and Neighbors

 We do have the power, thru Jesus Christ, to overcome anything we face in this life.  And that is just the way it is.  There are no other options concerning this.  The problem is many times that people base there understanding of “who they are” and what they can do purely on experiences.  They may have failed at something in the past, and holding onto that experience will cause them to have a false identity and believe a lie concerning who they are and what they are capable of doing.

The Bible is clear on who you are in Christ, the authority and power you have here in this life on this earth.  You have inside of you the ability to literally control and steer in the right direction your health and your life.  You can not change the past, but yes you absolutely can do something right this very second to change your future for the better. 

You know, life is not all about just making positive changes in our own lives.  We have to be able to “see” this part of life correctly, literally be in control of our health and life, and at the same time keep it in balance.  Most importantly we should focus on knowing HIS perfect WILL for our lives, loving HIM, and loving others.  That loving others translates largely into “doing” for others.  So yes it is God’s will for us to live and prosper in our health and life here on this earth, but at the same time we cant get caught up in just focusing on ourselves.  Take control of your own health and life, and help others by loving them and doing for them as HE leads you to.  It really is pretty simple.


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