Little kids dont worry about the “trivial” stuff

Friends and neighbors

Man we had a great weekend in Garfield this past one.  The boys had a blast as always.  We got to eat some very good home cooking, play with the cousins, have a birthday party, and of course ride the tractors.  Both boys love to ride the tractors, but David Ben is the one now that asks the most.  Everytime we tell him we are going that is usually the first thing he says: And we get to ride the tractor.  So of course we ride the big John Deere 4020 and the little Ford 3000.

We had a great time and as always it was well worth it.  ANd it is so funny looking back because all the boys know is that they play, then they ride in the car, then they get out in Garfield and go to playing again.  They are oblivious to the fact that it takes extra time, money, and planning to make a trip like that happen, especially with two little boys and a dog.  But that is one of the wonderful things about being a child.  They are not consumed or worried about the work involved.  They just are happy to be going.  ANd I realize that we, the adults, have to think through things like this and actually make it happen, but at the same time we should be more like them and not worry ourselves about the “trivial” stuff.  Man life would go much better for us. 

Have a blessed day and a blessed week.  CHOOSE TO MAKE THIS WEEK THE BEST WEEK OF THIS YEAR SO FAR. 


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