some of my favorite LUNCH options

Friends and neighbors

As you probably know to some extent, your NUTRITION is vital to better health and performance.  I see many people start exercising and they do great, but they do not choose to get control of thier nutrition so they do not get near the positive results that they could get.  The faster and better results you want then the more focused you are going to have to get with your nutrition.  The main reason I am sharing this with you today is because I was having one of my favorite lunches and thought of you and how it could give you some good ideas and maybe inspiration to do better with your nutrition.  Here is my lunch for today and a few more examples of some of my favorite meals:

1.”Turkey Roll”- Turkey sliced, 1 slice cheese, tsp mayo, mustard, rolled up   1 Avocado add little sea salt, pepper

 2. 3 eggs scrambled or over medium,  2 pieces fruit

3. Hamburger w/ chees (no bread), collard greens, fresh tomatoe

4. Turkey Roll (same as above), all natural p.b. w/ honey on 1 slice whole wheat

there you have 4 examples of easy and pretty healthy lunch or dinner options.  Make some positive changes starting today to improve your nutrition, therefore choosing to take control of and improve your health!!



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